Am 23.02.2014 09:18, schrieb Federico Bruni:
2014-02-23 6:46 GMT+01:00 Nick Payne <>:

lilyglyphs is available on debian inside the texlive-music package:

  $ aptitude show texlive-music | grep lilyglyphs
  lilyglyphs -- Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in LaTeX.

Not on Ubuntu, though (the OP is running Mint 16, which is based on

at the moment it's in debian testing and ubuntu trusty:

Well, except for being slightly more complex to set up (which still isn't too much, at least on Linux) using lilyglyphs from its Github repository offers several advantages:
- it's more up-to-date
- it's more straightforward to extend for yourself
- it's simpler to contribute back


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