2014-02-21 14:55 GMT+01:00 bart deruyter <bart.deruy...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> in my project here, I use lot's of small parts of music, and they're
> numbered using "piece" in each header of each score.
> The "piece" title seems by default to be aligned in height to the highest
> note, which causes the piece title to collide with the clef when the music
> is going into the lower regions.
> I can adjust it using markup, and \raise, but is there a more general way to
> fix it, for example by telling lilypond somehow to align the piece title to
> the clef instead of to the notes?
> thanks in advance,
> Bart Deruyter

Hi Bart,

the point is not that "piece" is aligned to the highest object, but
the whole scoreTitleMarkup.
See the ouput from:

\version "2.18.0"

\paper {
    indent = 0
    scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \box \scoreTitleMarkup }

m = \new Staff { c'1 }

\score { \m \header { piece = "N°.19." } }

\score { \transpose c c'''\m \header { piece = "N°.20." } }

Where the scoreTitleMarkup is put in a box.

I think using "piece=..." is not the appropiate thing for your usecase.

Why not use RehearsalMark?
Something like:

\version "2.18.0"

exercise =
#(define-music-function (parser location mrk mus)(markup? ly:music?)
    \new Staff {
        \override Score.RehearsalMark.padding = #3
        \mark \markup { \fontsize #-2 #mrk }

m = { c'1 }

\exercise "N°.19." \m

\exercise "N°.20." \transpose c c'' \m


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