Hi all!
Just to let you know that midi2ly seems not to work for mee.
When I try to invoche it I have a message saying midi2ly is not a valid
command or an executable a batch file.
If someone uses windows7 and would like to help mee....
Thanks a lot.
Bye for now!
-----Messaggio originale-----
From: Martin Tarenskeen
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 12:13 PM
To: claudio garanzini
Subject: Re: Lilypond for blind musicians
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014, claudio garanzini wrote:
Hi all! Thanks for your suggestions! Could you please give mee an
example of how to create a lilypond file from a midi file? I've read
the page Federico suggested but it's a bit complicated for mee. So, if
I'm right, I would write, for example: midi2ly thenb the name of my
midi file. But I don't understand in what directory have I to be for
this operation!
midi2ly should be in a directory that is listed in your system's PATH
environment variable. Then it will always be found wherever you are. (I am
not a Windows user. Does the LilyPond installer for Windows take care of
this automatically?)
your source file can be anywhere if you call it with a complete pathname,
but easiest is when it is in your current directory where you can call it
with just the filename. Even without ".ly" it will work.
you can provide an output name with the -o option
If you don't use the -o option, midi2ly will automatically generate a
destination filename from the source file.
BTW: the most important commandline option to start with is probably -h.
midi2ly -h
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