-- Phil Holmes ----- Original Message ----- From: Jean-Luc Chevillard To: Lilypond-User Mailing List Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 1:55 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Difficulties encountered while making snippets (to beusedas musical quotations inside an article) Hello Phil, thanks for your suggestions. I'll make good use of them. I do not feel like I have full control when using MY "method of drag-and-drop onto batch files" because it generates an incredible number of intermediary files, which I have to clean by hand ;-) However, it is indeed flexible, in an experimental stage, while checking which effect each parameter has. I'll experiment with "-dgui" and with -dresolution, etc. Is there a page telling which units (or absence of units) must be used in such commands? Of course the beauty of SVG-s is that they are scalable .. :-) I remember the thrill when computers went from bitmap fonts to fonts using Bezier curves ... -- Jean-Luc (Paris) "" On 07/02/2014 14:24, Phil Holmes wrote: Jean-Luc, I like your method of drag-and-drop onto batch files: it's a very easy way to run lilypond in a Windows environment. It looks to me like the command "-dbackend=eps" was mainly intended for lilypond-book ( and hence performs the cropping you witness. As you have found out, this is compatible with PNG output, but not SVG. However, I would suggest that PNGs with higher DPI will be eminently suitable for any publication based on word: try experimenting with -dresolution= and -danti-alias-factor=. As to your coding: I would strongly suggest you add -dgui to your batch file command line, and review the associated logfiles that will be produced. Hope this helps. -- Phil Holmes ----- Original Message ----- From: Jean-Luc Chevillard To: Lilypond-User Mailing List Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 1:06 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Difficulties encountered while making snippets (to beused as musical quotations inside an article) Dear Ed, thanks for this suggestion. I shall try. However, if this discussion is to be relevant for current users, I probably have some catchup to do. Since yesterday, I have realized that my version of LilyPond was "old" (relatively speaking) because I had installed LilyPond (version 2.16.0) on my computer on Tuesday 18th september 2012 and made experiments (on the basis of the online documentation) from time to time, but not regularly, with ong interruptions, wondering whether LilyPond would be flexible enough for my needs with Indian music (in transcription). (discovering the commands "\compoundMeter" was reassuring, in that respect ...) I realized that my version of LilyPond was "old" because it could not handle commands for tuplets, contrary to what the online documentation had led me to expect ("\tuplet 5/4 { g4 aes8 g fis }" was not recognized by LilyPond 2.16, although it is quite useful to have this syntax, for some of the Indian rythms) I have now installed LilyPond 2.18, and will have to see which obstacles have been removed for a SMOOTH use of LilyPond, which is a great program, although it takes time to discover every possibility! :-) Cheers -- Jean-Luc (Paris) "" On 07/02/2014 13:21, Ed Gordijn wrote: Hi Jean-Luc, I don't have a true Lilypond answer but. Inkscape sets the bounding box default to the drawing-area, so I gues that you only had to open the svg and save it as eps. If thats true than you are fine with Inkscape. Did you know that you can use Inkscape on the command line. You can add this to to Lilypond batch file to convert the svg to eps. *****snippet_eps.bat ******************************** ***************************************************** "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-windows.exe" -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts %1 %2 %3 %4 ************************************* ************************************* "c:\program files (x86)\inkscape\inkscape.exe" "%~n1.svg" --export-eps="%~n1.eps" I had to guess where inkscape is located on your computer, so make sure this path is correct. I couldn't test this, I haven't Lilypond running on Windows. Greetings, Ed _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list
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