Gonçalo Nogueira <jgoncalonogue...@gmail.com> writes:

> hideStem = {
>   \override Stem.stencil = ##f
> }

This one is equivalent to \omit Stem which seems short enough to write.
\hide Stem, in contrast, would be \override Stem.transparency = ##t .
Personally, I'd not write { } around every such command.
>   <g bes>4 <aes c> \changeRight c4 |
>   c4. des8 <aes! c> <g bes> |
>   <c ees>4 <aes c> s4 |
>   c4. des8 <aes! c> <g bes> |

When you find yourself using multiple reminder accidentals, it might be
worth checking whether you can find an \accidentalStyle better matching
the composer's practice.

David Kastrup

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