
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Bric <b...@flight.us> wrote:
> Looks like the Articulate script tries to simulate stoccato by shortening
> written note duration and writing in a compensating rest (i.e., {
> e4\stoccato b\stoccato } is converted to { e16 r8. b16 r8. }).   As the
> documentation warns, this, of course, alters the rendered visual while
> (trying to) alter the midi properly.
> It seems that IDEALLY, one would want the modification to be done directly
> on midi level, with the visual, written left unaltered. Plus, if there were
> a variety of overrides and (micro)controls over specific midi durations,
> with the conventional dynamic notation included among the parameters of the
> functions, it would be the ultimate way to finesse the midi audio, it seems.

what the documentation neglects to suggest is the following:

%%% SNIP SNAP %%%
\include "articulate.ly"
musicStuff = {
  c4-. d-. e-. f-.

% this will create graphical output
\score {
  << \musicStuff >>
  \layout {}

% this will only create MIDI output
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats \articulate << \musicStuff >>
  \midi {}
%%% SNAP SNIP %%%

that will give you an untouched PDF and an articulated MIDI, iirc.


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