Dear Stan, 2014/1/17 Stan Sanderson <>: > The last “port self update” and “upgrade outdated” appear to have broken > Frescobaldi’s Music View on both my OS 10.6 and 10.9 machines. There is only > a gray screen displayed in the Music View window.
this problem is already known. A couple of days ago the Portfile for Poppler has been reorganized (see The (long awaited) change separated Poppler-Qt4 from the rest of Poppler. Now other ports that depend on Poppler-Qt4 can specify a dependency on poppler-qt4-mac that is automatically resolved and installed by MacPorts, instead of requiring the user to manually install poppler with variants +qt4 +quartz (MacPorts cannot currently enforce non-default variants on dependencies). This means e.g. that in order to install Frescobaldi the command "sudo port install poppler +qt4 +quartz" is not necessary anymore. The problem is that due to an oversight the port poppler-qt4-mac doesn't work correctly (see comments starting from 12 in the same page). There is already a patch that solves the problem, and I hope that it will be committed to MacPorts' repository in a couple of days at most. > The only thing I noticed is that port installed poppler returns > poppler @0.24.4_1+qt4+quartz > poppler @0.24.5_0 (active) This is correct, because Poppler-Qt4 is now a separate port and the variants +qt4 and +quartz have been removed. If you didn't uninstall poppler @0.24.4_1+qt4+quartz you can temporarily work around the problem entering in the Terminal sudo port -f deactivate poppler @0.24.5_0 poppler-qt4-mac sudo port activate poppler @0.24.4_1+qt4+quartz Otherwise, if you don't have poppler +qt4 +quartz anymore, you can manually apply the proposed patch and reinstall poppler-qt4-mac: 1. download the patch: 2. apply the patch: assuming that you downloaded the patch in the Downloads directory in your home, enter in the Terminal cd $(port dir poppler) sudo patch -p0 < /Users/your-user-name/Downloads/poppler-subport.diff 3. uninstall poppler-qt4-mac and reinstall it: sudo port -f uninstall poppler-qt4-mac sudo port install poppler-qt4-mac The patched Portfile will be overwritten if you "sudo port selfupdate". I'll let you know when the patch will be commited. If you need further help, just let me know. Best wishes. Davide _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list