On 01/17/2014 02:00 AM, Mike Blackstock wrote:
Is there a way to change the "textedit://uri" mechanism in PDF
point-and-lick links to point instead to a javascript function in the
I've been looking around, but I know zilch about PDF documents; the
I got was this, which tells me it's do-able (I think)
Re. Why do you want to do this?
My source code editor is a javascript app that runs in the browser -
"Code Mirror". For compilation, the source code is sent to a server
over a node.js/socket.io <http://socket.io> websocket; when
compilation is complete, server sends browser a signal and PDF is
opened in iframe. I need 'point-and-click' events to call javascript
As I see it you need to change either the PDF itself or the javascript
code run in the browser to achieve what you want.
If we assume the output from LilyPond is what it is, to change the PDF
you have to change the links manually in Acrobat Pro like described in
the stackoverflow page you link to. One alternative to this is to use
SVG instead and manually change the links in the XML code. This can of
course be very inconvenient if you have many links that needs to be changed.
If on the other hand you can change the javascript code this can be
achieved much easier, I think.
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