Eluze wrote
> you can define the spanner in its own (dynamic) context and move it
> wherever you want:

thanks for the answer. I am aware of the possibility to have the dynamics in
a separate voice - and it might be the solution here. I am however not fond
of having to enter dynamics in a voice "without music" - for the score in
question I have 16 voices each with their own (polyphonic) dynamic markings
- and in a score where the time signature changes frequently, it is not
trivial to write spacers until bar 125 to be able to put a dynamic mark in
bar 126. 

The overall tempo markings are currently defined in the first of the
"active" voices in that particular bar - and the displayed tempo marking is
automatically placed on top of the system. But when I try to make more
dynamic tempo adjustments (ritardando, stringendo etc.) - that just as well
as an overall tempo marking implicitly has a scope of the entire system -
the displayed marking goes to the staff and not the system.

Are there any plans on making a "SystemSpanner" or similar that will combine
the flexibility from the TextSpanner with the "only on top of system"
property from \tempo and \mark ? 
What I'd like to do is to write a command that puts the output of
TextSpanner to the top staff in the system, regardless of which staff it is
defined in. Is it possible by tweaking something or do I need to make the
dynamics voice separate?

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