Philip Rhoades <> writes:

> People,
> I am doing my own Alternative Notation for Classical Guitar and with a
> lot of help from Paul Morris am making good progress.  I was about to
> write a little Ruby script to generate random notes (400 == 100 bars)
> within different ranges to practise jumping around the fretboard but
> it occurred to me that I might be able to do this in Scheme - which
> would help further the cause of learning for Lilypond.  Is this a
> sensible thing to do or should I just do it with ruby and plug the
> results into a .ly file?

A bit sloppy:

\new Voice {
  $@(let ((notes (ly:music-property #{ <c des d es e f fis g gis a bes b> #}
      (map (lambda (x) (list-ref notes (random (length notes)))) (iota 400)))

David Kastrup

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