On Thu, 9 Jan 2014, j...@post.cz wrote:

I am new to this forum and also new to Lilypond & Frescobaldi. Still
learning the basics...
I would like to ask for some help with xml import/export since I am not able
to get it to work.

First you need to know that musicxml import (musicxml2ly) is usable, but far from perfect yet.

The situation for musixml export is in a VERY early stage of development and not yet suitable for serious work. Too many even basic elements of music notation are not implemented. But at least someone is working on it and the future looks promising.

TypeError: set_time() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

My guess is that you have not specified a time signature in you testing score:

\time 4/4

Lilypond assumes 4/4 by default when time signature is given, but you version of Frescobaldi's musicxml importer doesn't. (has been fixed in development by now)


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