Am 07.01.2014 07:08, schrieb Ed Faulk:
> I'm trying to make the font size for the chord names smaller. 

Hi Ed,

you need to override the ChordName font-size in some layout block:
  \override ChordName #'font-size = #-1
Or if you use 2.18:
  \override ChordName.font-size = -1
You can adjust the -1 to your needs.

For the next time on the list, could you please send a working example?
That means:
- containing \language "english" if you use english note names
- containing the correct time (3/4 in your case)

Here is a full example with smaller chord names size:

\language "english"

chordNames = \chordmode {
  \time 3/4
  d2:m c4 | d2.:m | f2 bf4 | c4 f2 | f2. | bf2 c4 | c4 f2 | f2. | f2. |
  bf2 f4 | f2. | bf2 c4 | c4 f2 | bf2 f4 | f2. | f2. | bf2 f4 f2

\score {
    \new ChordNames \chordNames
    % ...
  \layout {
    \context {
      \override ChordName #'font-size = #-1


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