
For basic tasks, I first learned command line usage. But as merge, pull request 
etc. are a little to complex for me from command line, I had to choose between 
website and GUI (SourceTree for OS X; there is a windows version, for what I 

I made my first pull requests using Github web text editor, but it was near 
from unusable (text scrolling took hours). 

Now, I'm happy with SourceTree GUI.


Le 6 janv. 2014 à 13:53, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> a écrit :

> Hi all Git users,
> I'd like to make a survey on how you are working with Git.
> Do you use the command line exclusively, or a GUI (which one(s))?
> Or a GUI for certain tasks and the command line for others?
> I'd be particularly interested in reports of successful or failed
> attempts to learn Git by starting with a GUI tool. I have a strong
> opinion that one should use the command line until one has a good
> understanding of the concepts, but I'd be interested in any differing
> experiences.
> Urs
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