Colin Tennyson <> writes:

> My thinking was focused on the following kind of pattern:
> The variable 'global' is called 4 times:
> global = {
>   \key a \minor
>   \time 4/2
> }
> Level of indirection; you declare the key in a single place, and the
> compiler retrieves it there 4 times.
> My underlying vague hope was that something along those lines would be
> available for transposition too.
> I had tried:
> \transpose c' a {
>   \score { ... }
> }
> Which doesn't work.
> My error was that on that negative result alone I jumped to the conclusion
> that \transpose cannot be used on any grouping, that it can only be used on
> otherwise uninterrupted sections.

Well, you can use

targetpitch = a

at the top and then write something like

\transpose c' \targetpitch { ... }

once or repeatedly in the body.  Requires at least 2.15.30 at least.

David Kastrup

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