Mr. Kastrup,

Please help me with my understanding of this issue.
Why is
not an acceptable solution?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
David Kastrup
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 12:07 PM
To: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: 3x repeats

Urs Liska <> writes:

> Am 23.12.2013 19:06, schrieb Xavier Noria:
>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Urs Liska <> wrote:
>> Am 22.12.2013 05:54, schrieb Alex Loomis:
>>>   In many contexts it's preferable to write it out instead of using 
>>> percent
>>>> repeats. If it's a long passage then it's frequently written pretty 
>>>> much like you had it except with the x3 at the repeat sign.
>>> I'd second this.
>>> But from numerous experiences (from the performer's POV) I can tell 
>>> you that you somehow have to make clear if you want the passage to 
>>> be _played_ or _repeated_ three times. This is usually unclear and 
>>> leads to useless discussions in an ensemble unless the composer has 
>>> explicitly stated his intention (which probably has to be written out in
a sentence).
>> Interesting, what is the difference?
> That's what I'm talking about: Many people (composers) don't see the 
> issue. They take one of them for granted and aren't aware of the 
> existence of an alternative reading.
> If you repeat something _once_ you play it _twice_.
> And if you repeat three times you play four times.
> But often "repeate three times" is used in the sense of "play three

Well, put [3×] over the _starting_ repeat sign, and you should be good.

David Kastrup

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