
this is excerpt from Mozart's Facile:


\version "2.17.97"

\include "deutsch.ly"

\layout {
  \context {
    \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t

\paper {
  indent = 0

upper = {
  \accidentalStyle modern \clef treble
  c''8. \trill h'16 h'4 r2
  g''4 r16 g'' e'' c'' a'4 r16 a' c'' a'
  f''4 r16 f'' d'' h' g'4 r16 g'' h'' g''

lower = {
  \accidentalStyle modern \clef treble
  f'16 g' e' g' d' g' e' g' f' g' e' g' f' g' d' g'
  \clef bass r e g c' e'4 r16 f a c' f'4
  r16 d f h d'4 r16 e g h e'4

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff \upper
    \new Staff \lower


When uniform-stretching is enabled, a spacing issue occurs: gap between barline 
and the fitst note column of the second measure gets too small. I'm sure it has 
something to do with clef change.

I tried playing with:

\override Clef #'space-alist #'staff-bar = #'(...)
\override BarLine #'space-alist #'next-note = #'(...)

but couldn't find the right numbers. Is there any global \override that would 
fix this?


<<attachment: facile.png>>

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