I'm typesetting the song "La Flûte enchantée" by Ravel. There's a bit in the
piano part with notes from both bass and treble clefs displayed
simultaneously (see jpgs). I thought I'd seen everything, but this has me
stumped. Can anybody help? Here's what I've got so far:

\version "2.16.2"

global = {
  \key b \minor
  \time 2/4

left = \relative c {
   { \voiceOne
     r8 gis'4( gis'8) | %16
     \clef treble <bis, dis a' bis>4( <cis e ais cis>~ \times 2/3 { q4 <d
eis b' d> <dis fis bis dis>) } | %17
     <bis dis a' bis>4( <cis e ais cis>~ \times 2/3 { q4 <d eis b' d> <dis
fis bis dis>) } | %18
   \new Voice { 
     \clef bass <gis,, dis'>2-> | %16
     \clef bass 
     \acciaccatura <gis, gis'>8~ <gis gis'>1~ | %17
     q | %18

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
  } <<
    \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \left }


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