Hi all,

Please note that this is't the last message in this thread.

> See: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general/63383/match=rehearsal

I'll try my desktop tonight to find the correct link .

And the correct link is: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general/63700

Included is the Lilypond code for the latest development version.

As you can see you can write:

\RehearsalMarkWithText #"Theme from 007" #-0.83

The value -0.83 will be calculated for you, but I didn't find a way to use it in the function itself.

Greetings, Ed

\version "2.17.96"
% #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines)

#(define (format-mark-default mark context)
" Set the format for the RehearsalMark.
  From the manual: The file ‘scm/translation-functions.scm’ contains the definitions of format-mark-numbers
    ; Uncomment one of these options
    ; (format-mark-alphabet mark context)
    ; (format-mark-box-alphabet mark context)
    ; (format-mark-circle-alphabet mark context)
	; (format-mark-letters mark context)
 	; (format-mark-box-letters mark context)
 	; (format-mark-circle-letters mark context)
 	; (format-mark-numbers mark context)
    (format-mark-box-numbers mark context)
 	; (format-mark-circle-numbers mark context)
 	; (format-mark-barnumbers mark context)
 	; (format-mark-box-barnumbers mark context)
 	; (format-mark-circle-barnumbers mark context)
#(define-markup-command (center-at-mark layout props mark text x-align) (markup? string? number?)
" Markup command used in RehearsalMarkWithText
  Check the value of x-align and print the correct value when neccessary
    (let* (
        (txt          (markup #:normal-text #:bold #:normalsize #:concat (" " text)))

        (txt-stencil  (interpret-markup layout props txt))
        (txt-x-ext    (ly:stencil-extent txt-stencil X))
        (txt-width    (- (cdr txt-x-ext)(car txt-x-ext)))

        (mrk-stencil  (interpret-markup layout props mark))
        (mrk-x-ext    (ly:stencil-extent mrk-stencil X))
        (mrk-width    (- (cdr mrk-x-ext)(car mrk-x-ext)))

        (x-align-new  (- (/ mrk-width (+ txt-width mrk-width)) 1 ))
        (x-dif        (abs (- x-align-new x-align)))
        (x-dif-markup (markup #:small (format "Change x-align to: ~5,2F" x-align-new)))

    (interpret-markup layout props
        (if (< x-dif 0.02)
            (markup #:concat (mark txt))
            (markup #:with-color blue  #:box (#:column (x-dif-markup
                    #:with-color black #:concat (mark txt))))

RehearsalMarkWithText = #(define-music-function (parser location text x-align) (string? number?)
" Calculate the value for x-align inside a markup script and hint the user for the correct value.
  This a a manual solution that (in my opinion) shouldn't be neccessary.
  The format for the RehearsalMark is defined in the procedure: format-mark-default  
  text     this is a string that is addded with a dividing space to the RehearsalMark
  x-align  this defines the alignment: -1 is left and +1 is right. Use -1 for your first call
           and the correct value will be printed near the RehearsalMark.
    % Redefine the Rehearsal mark
    % \once does work but generates multiple warning.
    \set Score.markFormatter = #(lambda (mark context)
                                        (markup #:center-at-mark (format-mark-default mark context)text x-align))
    \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #x-align
    \mark \default

    % Revert to the original format: This doesn't work in here!
    % Thats why I defined \RehearsalMark which is used instead of \mark \default
    %\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers
    %\unset Score.markFormatter

% Use this function instead of \mark \default 	     
RehearsalMark = { \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-default
                  \mark \default }

\score {
    \relative c'' {

        \clef "G"
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4

        % Setting the startingpoint can be omitted as you would normaly start at #1
        \set Score.rehearsalMark = #10
        \RehearsalMarkWithText #"Theme from 007" #-1    % This means left aligned which is a good start
        e( f) \bar "||" 
        \RehearsalMarkWithText #"Theme from 007" #-0.83 % The calculated value for x-align is applied
        g( e) \break
        \RehearsalMark % Revert to \mark \default
        e( f) \bar "||"
        g( e)

    indent = 0
    ragged-right = ##t

    \context {
        \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
%%% end of example
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