You could define a function that formats its argument the way you want it to 

On Dec 18, 2013, at 9:21 AM, bart deruyter <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm working on a piece for guitar here where in some parts I want to show the 
> position it is played in (e.g. IV, forth position) .
> I know I have to use textspanners for this, but this is intended for 
> 'spanning over a melody'. What should be used if there is only one note? 
> Instinctivly I thought I should use text marks, but those result in 
> differently formatted text (size, italic, weight, etc.. ) I can of course try 
> and tweak the formatting of these text marks, but isn't there consistent way 
> of indicating a position, without having to rely on spanners?
> grtz,
> Bart
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