Le 16/12/2013 22:59, Kieren MacMillan disait :
Hello all!

I would love to hear from anyone who has engraved a full opera or
musical (with at least vocal score plus full score) in Lilypond.

Have you looked at Nicolas Sceaux's works (http://nicolas.sceaux.free.fr/)?

For my part, I re-typeset King Arthur, which is available on IMSLP (http://imslp.org/wiki/King_Arthur_%28Purcell,_Henry%29) -- only missing are the scenic indications -- and BWV 246 (http://imslp.org/wiki/Lukaspassion,_BWV_246_%28Bach,_Johann_Sebastian%29).

1. Is lilypond-book the only sane way to do it?
Lily took care of everything.

2. What functions/extensions/tricks did you use to bend Lily to your will?
Some of Nicolas' tweaks and functions were very useful.
For Bach, thanks to David Nalesnik and Thomas Morley, a function to center an unique note and align it with R1\fermataMarkup (like in old scores). For King Arthur, which was performed last year (my wife as choir director and pupils from the music school in the orchestra), character and instrument names, as well as the table of contents are defined in different files (one in English and one in French) that I include through a specific file once for all.

3. What pitfalls are to be watched for (and hopefully avoided)?
Part combining needs sometime to use tags in order to be correctly presented to the conductor.

4. What limitations cannot [currently] be overcome?
Resetting the page number at the beginning of the musical material (after preface and libretto).


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