----- Original Message -----
From: "Noeck" <noeck.marb...@gmx.de>
To: "lilypond-user" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 4:21 PM
Subject: hideNotes
currently \hideNotes does not hide articulations, slurs, ties etc.
Is that on purpose?
a-.\cresc b->\! a?( \parenthesize b) |
a\< ~ a-1 \tuplet 3/2 {a4 a a\f } a4 \glissando a'
I would suggest to add this to \hideNotes in ly/property-init.ly and the
corresponding reverts to \unHideNotes:
\override AccidentalCautionary.transparent = ##t
\override Script.transparent = ##t
\override ParenthesesItem.transparent = ##t
\override Slur.transparent = ##t
\override Tie.transparent = ##t
\override LaissezVibrerTie.transparent = ##t
\override RepeatTie.transparent = ##t
\override Glissando.transparent = ##t
\override TupletBracket.transparent = ##t
\override TupletNumber.transparent = ##t
\override Fingering.transparent = ##t
It would also make sense to hide dynamics:
\override DynamicText.transparent = ##t
\override DynamicTextSpanner.transparent = ##t
\override DynamicLineSpanner.transparent = ##t
\override Hairpin.transparent = ##t
Did I miss something? Clusters probably.
I could not find out how to hide tremolo beams.
Arpeggios can not be hidden, LP crashes with: No Notehead for Appegio
Whether it's deliberate or not, it's very useful. You can use hidden notes
as a starting and ending point for slurs, ties, etc., and thus often
overcome limitations with them moving into or out of voices. Not a good
idea to change this, IMHO.
Phil Holmes
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