On 12/03/2013 09:09 AM, Frederick Bartlett wrote:
Now that I'm *cough, cough* an expert LilyPond user, I want to explore
something really difficult.
My wife, a voice teacher, suffers from macular degeneration. Before
her vision degrades so much that she can no longer read printed
scores, I'd like to cobble together a system that
* scans piano-vocal sheet music
* creates a LilyPond file
* controls a digital piano with LilyPond's midi output
* displays the score in sync on a tablet at arbitrary magnification
* controls tempi and dynamics by gestures and taps (and/or voice
* (bonus round) 'listens' to the singer and adjusts tempi and
dynamics to match
Judging by the success of Frescobaldi, most of this would seem to be
feasible. And I have five years or so to figure all this out ...
Has anyone on this list ever used Audiveris or OpenOMR?
How about creating non-paged graphical output from LilyPond?
Thanks for reading!
Hello Fred,
I have a friend with macular degeneration, to the degree he literally
holds his music touching his nose. I've created a template for use with
LilyPond and Frescobaldi, which gives 2-3 bars per landscape letter
sized page. I've adjusted things like slur line thickness, made fonts
bold and so forth. You might open the file in Frescobaldi and "Save As a
template". Hope it's useful!
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
hands. You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
\version "2.17.29"
\include "english.ly"
\header {
title = "Psalm 19"
composer = \markup { \teeny "Benedetto Marcello" }
tagline = ##f
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter" 'landscape)
system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #6
ragged-last-bottom = ##t
ragged-bottom = ##f
ragged-right = ##f
myStaffSize = #80
#(define fonts
(make-pango-font-tree "Nimbus Sans Bold"
"Nimbus Sans Bold"
"Luxi Mono Bold"
(/ myStaffSize 80)))
print-page-number = ##f
check-consistency = ##f
#(set-global-staff-size 80 )
tempoMark = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature)
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT
\mark \markup \bold \teeny "Allegro moderato"
global = {
\key f \major
\time 4/4
\override DynamicTextSpanner.style = #'none
bassVoice = \relative c {
\accidentalStyle "modern-voice-cautionary"
\bar "||"
verse = \lyricmode {
\score {
\new Voice = "one" {
\set midiInstrument = #"french horn"
\clef "bass" \bassVoice }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \verse }
\layout {
\override BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\override Staff.Stem #'thickness = #4.5
\override LyricText.font-name = #'"Nimbus Sans Bold"
\override LyricText.font-size = #-4
\override LyricHyphen.thickness = #4.0
\override Hairpin.thickness = #4.0
\override Slur.thickness = #4.0
\override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16 )
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