>> I am engraving the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah. There is 
>> one measure (87) where I think I need a third voice in the treble 
>> clef. I have attached an image of measure 87. The red-underlined notes 
>> in the image are what is missing when I render my Lilypond. A cut down 
>> version of my source for just measure 87 is below.
>> I believe I need a third voice for the missing 8th and 16th notes, but 
>> I don't know how to structure it. My Lilypond is using a template from 
>> Frescobaldi.
>> Can someone show me how to add the third voice?

>third or fourth voice - Lilypond treats odd voices as voice with stem and
other properties going upwards!
>so in my code I handle the additional voice as \voiceFour and also name it
like that:

Thank you, Eluze. Do I have to create measures with "s1" for the other
measures of the fourth voice?

>I would consider upgrading to the newest version!


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