I like what I see!!! :) If there's one thing that I spend the most time on, it's modifying slurs, especially on Schenker graphs. However, there's one question I have. You mentioned that using \shape would apply to all following slurs. Is it possible to use \once \shape? I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet, I've only read the attachments. Excellent work! LilyPond is getting better and better every day!!!

-Ryan McClure

On 11/24/2013 07:42 PM, Janek Warcho? wrote:
Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the beginning of a new era in tweaking LilyPond slurs!
Thanks to sponsoring from Kieren, Alexander and Ben, I was able to
improve Lily's \shape function (originally written by David Nalesnik,
who also helped me with these improvements) - it's now possible to
shape slurs in many ways, some of which are considerably more robust
and generic than simple offsets used until now.

In addition to improved \shape, I've also written a function that
allows to simply specify slur attachment points (as per Kieren's
request - this feature returns to LilyPond after being removed about 8
years ago).

See the attachments; the pdfs containing demonstrations of new
capabilities and user documentation are here:

Please test the functions and send me your opinions and feedback.
Maybe I could improve them even more :-)


PS Here's the original email in which I had announced this project:
I apologize that it took so much time - I was waiting for some
reviews, and also had to finish some other tasks.

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