On 22.11.2013, at 14:48, MarcM <m...@mouries.net> wrote:

> David,
> Thank you for providing the link to the documentation. I've seen the code
> you mention in the doc
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.16/Documentation/notation/displaying-rhythms#time-signature
> and it is providing the following example:
> \score {
>  \new Staff {
>    \relative c' {
>      \overrideTimeSignatureSettings
>        4/4        % timeSignatureFraction
>        1/4        % baseMomentFraction
>        #'(3 1)    % beatStructure
>        #'()       % beamExceptions
>      \time 4/4
>      \repeat unfold 8 { c8 } |
>    }
>  }
> }
> The example puts the overrideTimeSignatureSettings inline with the music
> which forces to do that in each file whereas what i am looking for is a way
> to declare the override in a stylesheet.ly and only have to import that file
> and not have to remember how to do that each time.
Mike already showed you how to do it:
1) create a new file (e.g. stylesheet.ly) which only contains a layout block 
where you declare your overrides, i.e.:
\layout {
  \context {
    4/4 % timeSignatureFraction
    1/4 % baseMomentFraction
    #'(3 1) % beatStructure
    #'() % beamExceptions

2) Include stylesheet.ly in your current file:

\version "2.17.95"
\include "stylesheet.ly"
\score {
  \new Staff {
    \relative c' {
      \time 4/4
      \repeat unfold 8 { c8 } |

That's it!

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