On 04/11/13 00:05, Jim Long wrote:
I'm not sure that this suggestion meets any of your criteria
(especially \transposition), but:
\version "2.17.26"
music = \new Staff \relative e' { e b' g b, e1 }
unTmusic = \withMusicProperty #'untransposable ##t \music
\score {
\transpose e f \music
\transpose e f \unTmusic
Nice thought, but it doesn't really work for me, because it requires that the
#'untransposable property be inserted _inside_ the music. That means having to
insert that statement inside many different staff contexts, whereas I would like
a way to globally disable transposition across the entire score with a single
What you suggest could work for a single instrument part, but not for a
multi-instrument score where it would be nice to be able to switch between
transposed and concert pitch versions.
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