Could this be something like a trill notation where you also often parenthesize 
the secondary note?

David Toms <> schrieb:
>I have been publishing mainly vocal music for over 10 years with
>Sibelius.  This year I have ditched it for Lilypond, and I am pleased
>to say that my first effort using it, a book of vocal music with piano,
>is at the printers.  The composer says it is the "most elegant
>engraving he has ever seen", so well done to everybody!
>I'm well into my second book now, which is SATB choral music
>unaccompanied, and I have just come across the first problem that I
>haven't been able to solve by recourse to documentation and snippets,
>so I have just joined the mailing list in the hope that someone can
>point me in the right direction.
>The music makes frequent harmonic changes, and in a lot of places the
>composer helps the singers by 'reminding' them with a cue that, for
>example, the A sharp they have just sung is the same note as B flat.
>This helps singers over difficult modulations.  I have looked at a lot
>of printed vocal music and this occurs quite often - I'm reluctant to
>say I could do it fairly easily with Sibelius!
>The requirement is to produce a small notehead at the enharmonic pitch,
>immediately after the  preceding note, with both the accidental and the
>notehead in parentheses. The notehead is really "text",  and should not
>affect midi playback, attract lyrics, etc.  I tried using markups but
>it is nearly impossible to get the notes in the right place on the
>staff. After much searching, and trial and error, I got a "nearly
>solution, but as the attached snipped shows, the problem with using
>"aftergrace" is that the "parenthesised" note can be a long way from
>it's parent.
>I suspect that this is something I am missing, probably because I don't
>know exactly how to describe the problem so I don't really know where
>look in the documentation.
>Any suggestions gratefully received.
>lilypond-user mailing list
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