Dear community,
I don't get a table of contents with this latex-file, when I compile it
with pdflatex and lilypond-book.

> \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article}
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> %\newcommand{\betweenLilyPondSystem}[1]{\vspace{36mm}\linebreak} % hier
> irgendeinen vernünftig erscheinenden Wert eingeben!!!
> \begin{document}
>  \tableofcontents
> \section{c major}
> This is the c major scale: \\
> \begin[notime]{lilypond}
>  \relative{c4 d e f g a b c}
> \end{lilypond}
> \section{g major}
> This is the g major scale: \\
> \begin[notime]{lilypond}
>  \relative g'{\key g \major g4 a b c d e fis g}
> \end{lilypond}
> \end{document}
I compile it with the following bash-script (on Ubuntu):

> #!/bin/bash
> TEMP_DIR=temp
> CURRENT_DIR=$(pwd)
> lilypond-book --pdf \
>               --include="$CURRENT_DIR"\
>               --include=/home/stefan/partituren/lilyponds/vorlagen/\
>               --output="$TEMP_DIR" \
>               "$1".tex && \
> (cd "$TEMP_DIR" && \
>  pdflatex "$1".tex && \
>  mv "$1".pdf ..) && \
> rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
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