Hi all,

According to the manual, the command necessary to create flat flags (\set
stemLeftBeamCount) is "always equivalent to \once \set. In other words,
beam count settings are not “sticky” [...]". Does this mean that the only
way I can produce a score such as the one below is to use a \set
stemLeftBeamCount for each single pitch?

Also, does anyone knows how to generate grace notes with a flat flag as
well? (After so many questions of mine on this mailing list, some of you
might be thinking I have some psychotic fixation on grace notes)

\version "2.17.26"


  \relative c' {

    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 f16[] r8.

    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 e16[]

    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 gis16[] r8

    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 fis[]

    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 a32[] r64

    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 f64[] r16


    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #0 ees8[] r8



If this is too much headache, I will just keep using \override Flag
#'stencil = #modern-straight-flag which is close enough to what I want.

Thanks a lot for all the help. Regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

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