> On Sep 27, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Steve Noland <st...@thenolands.us> wrote:
> I am trying to typeset a score for jazz orchestra.  I am having problems with 
> some of the jazz chordnames engraving correctly.  Specifically, a Dm7(b5) 
> chord (D minor 7, flat 5) engraves as a DÂș, or D diminished.  What can be the 
> problem?

In the example you provide, the chord is properly rendered as a half-diminished 
chord, not a diminished chord- note the slash through the superscripted O which 
indicates half-diminished.

That is the Ignaztek (sp?) symbol for the chord which is the Lilypond default 
and is commonly used in hand-written lead sheets especially among jazz 
musicians, although it seems like this has fallen out of favor.  If you want 
the chords spelled out rather than using symbols (major 7 instead of delta, 
min7b5 instead of slashed O, dim7 instead of O7, etc.) the  you will need to 
include a chordname exception file for this.  There are several already written 
and available, probably on the snippet site.  I use pop-chords.ly for my jazz 
lead sheets.
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