On Friday, September 27, 2013 4:04:36 PM HKT, Richard Shann wrote:
My music only seldom follows common practice tonality,
The built-in support is for any range (e.g. E-flat to G-sharp, or D to
F-double-sharp), with the modulation controller on the MIDI keyboard
changing the range sharper or flatter. So if you wanted some assorted
collection of sharps and flats (E-flat with A-flat but F-sharp ...) you
would need a bit of scheme to convert the notes as they arrive, which is
quite do-able - there are examples of this sort of MIDI filter in
Sure, that may be of interest to the other people on the thread who *are*
looking for MIDI input. For myself, I prefer working with the code directly,
and I will likely continue to prefer the code even if there's the option of
super-amazingly-accurate MIDI input.
That's the great thing about LP's more open design. In Finale, basically your
only choices are speedy note entry (meaningless without a MIDI keyboard, and
really poor handling of enharmonics) or simple note entry (mouse only, and I
sincerely hope I'm never forced to do it that way for any length of time). In
LP, I can do it by code if I like (and I do), AND user-developers like you can
devise alternate input methods.
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