I'm compiling a selection of examples to show LilyPond's output quality.
I'm aiming at a collection of ca. 5 examples (1-page excerpts) of
LilyPond scores tweaked to publication quality and a similar number of
examples of out-of-the-box engraving.
The latter is intended to show that one can _work_ with default scores
quite good, that is one can play from them and one can use them to
finish an edition for example, without having to bother about engraving
details too early.
Another goal of this collection is to show a variety of styles.
Therefore I would be happy if you would send me (privately) examples you
would share for that purpose.
If I should get way too many submissions I might think of using them for
a kind of gallery ,-)
If it's 'publication quality' it should of course be as beautiful as
If it's out-of-the-box it should of course _be_ untweaked. It may well
have deficiencies but should show the superior legibility of all
LilyPond scores.
I would also call it out-of-the-box if there is a general 'house' style
sheet applied. Maybe I'll have a third group with such examples.
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