On 25 August 2013 00:41, Jim Long <lilyp...@umpquanet.com> wrote:
> Adam:
> Your page is fun to play with, and a handy reference.
> Two comments, if I may:
> There's a user interface glitch, and unfortunately right now I'm forced to
> use Windows 7, but at least I have Firefox.
> The "Root" dropdown box behaves very nicely: when I click on it,
> it drops down, and when I release the click, it stays there.  I
> can click again to make a selection, and my selection is
> retained, and the dropdown box collapses.  The Root box also
> works if I click once, drag to my choice, release to select, and
> the box collapses to reveal my selection.
> The "standard chord" box is not as well-behaved, at least with
> Firefox on Win7.  This loaner laptop I have makes composing
> messages of any length unbearable, so if you need details, I can
> write later from a better computer.  The short form is that clicking
> to open the chord dropdown works once, but when I release the click, the
> box disappears before I can click again to select.  After that,
> clicking on the dropdown has no effect until I click outside the beige
> dotted area and then come back in to click again on the chord dropdown.
> But it's still very clever, and fun to use.  One really cool feature I
> would enjoy is to be able to download a PDF that lists the given chord
> and the scales it found, to create a "practice" sheet from the
> scales/modes that are identified for a given chord.
> Thanks for contributing this!

You're welcome, and huge thanks for the precise bug report despite
your loaner laptop attempting to discourage you from making it ;-)

I'm slightly mystified by the bug however, and unfortunately (or
fortunately ;-) I don't have a Windows 7 machine to test with.  I can
only imagine it's either a quirk with JQuery, or the result of my lack
of experience with it.  If you happen to have any JQuery experience, I
could share the original CoffeeScript source in case it sheds any
light.  Other suggestions welcome too.

Regarding PDF download - I did wonder how long it would take for
someone to request this ;-)  Yes, of course that is possible, and
I'll add it to the TODO list.


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