
When changing font in text processing, you switch to a different font,
and most time that's it. Relative placement is taken care of 
by the provided font metrics.

In music notation there is a font, but at least within Lilipond objects
like staves are draws not using glyphs from fonts but more primitive
graphics objects. So I feel one should also change the layout of quite
a few graphical objects when switching fonts.

I wonder whether one would call that "layout" or "style".

In the current SMuFL paper (Version 0.4) there are some options:

use complete notes as provided, or assemble from notehead, stem and flag
? is there some guidance how to match stem height to flag for
best visual appearance ?

use complete brackets, or assemble (and combine with a non-font line)
? What line thickness to go with U+E003 / U+E004 ?
? Should there be a vertical line in the font with such thickness ?

use the staves (with the line thickness as provided) or draw lines
While "Scoring programs should draw their own staff lines using primitives" 
? does the font tell you what the line thickness should be ?

So how to package this ancillary information to go with a "font"?



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