On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Jan Rosseel <j...@rosseel.com> wrote:
> www.scora.net is absolutely on track.
> It's Lilypond based, but Lilypond does not run on the tablet. One can't change
> the score on the tablet, but one can annotate or create his own personal score
> (cue notes, key, clefs, ...) It's more limited than an editor, but usable by
> people that have never heard of Lilypond. Scores have to be structured in a
> certain way to make this work.
> Scora allows syncing of the tablets in an orchestra through the master console
> of the conductor. Visit www.lao.be to see where and when you can first see
> this in action.

Interesting. Are you rendering with lilypond on the fly? Or are you
rendering a pdf that was previously generated by lilypond?


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