On 31/07/13 01:21, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:39:16 -0600
i...@soundand.com wrote:
Is anyone using a tablet to run lilypond and if so which one?

I was thinking about getting a tablet but why run Lilypond on it?
Build your PDFs elsewhere and just use the tablet to display them.
That way you don't limit your choices and can get the tablet best
suited to your needs which, I assume, is displaying charts on stage.
You want clear, large, fast, ability to lookup or arrange set lists,
etc.  Adding Lilypond to the list of requirements may mean getting
something less ideal for your real purpose.

Of course, once you choose one, if it also runs LP then bonus.

I'm more interested in getting something that can replace paper PDF scores. Sony have announced, but not yet released, a 13.3 inch e-reader that can display A4 PDF at life size, and also allows annotations with a stylus. Depending on whether the price is reasonable, I intend to have a look at one when it becomes reality to see if it's viable as a replacement for paper on a music stand, particularly if it could be combined with a foot pedal for page turns. There's a video of it being demoed here on YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZSGZkEEVfQ

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