Am 30.07.2013 16:30, schrieb Wim van Dommelen:
On 30 Jul 2013, at 08:46 , Marc Hohl wrote:
transposeTo = transposeTo OR c
In the past I've used a very simple construct:
notes = { ... }
music = {
\tag Bassoon \notes
\tag BCl \transpose bes, c' { \notes }
instrument = Bassoon % could be Bassoon or BCl
(bassclarinet) in my case
\keepWithTag \instrument \music
\layout {}
It is sort of hard-coded, BUT I could vary the instrument by creating a
small file in which I stated this instrument and just included that file
again in the Lilypond framework-file. With an external Makefile I
steered what should be done by generating (or copying) this include-file
and then running the lilypond command on the framework.
Thanks for sharing – the (only) drawback is that I have to
define \instrument in *any* case. David's solution has the advantage
of having a completely standalone compilable LilyPond file plus the
option to change the transposition by simply including another tiny
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