Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote:
Could anyone help me finish this BWV246 project?
Well, I don't know anything about figured bass but it seems that Lilypond's square brackets are not intended to be spread apart. add_brackets is called eventwise, and at each call initialises its local variable "inside" to false. And I didn't find a regtest demonstrating your spreading.
But if you want to hack your way to the finish have a look at half-bfb. This assumes that the square brackets fill the stencil-extents and makes its own (single) bracket to fit these, honoring a few things like thickness and padding. But because no continuation mechanism is involved you have to check that the [ and ] are set at the same height.
Maybe you could adapt this for a different bracket style?Cheers, Robin
\version "2.16.0" #(define (half-bfb which-side) (lambda (grob) (let* ( (dir-h (if (negative? which-side) -1 +1)) ;; clamp to LEFT or RIGHT (layout (ly:grob-layout grob)) (line-thickness (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness)) (thickness (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 1)) (th (* line-thickness thickness)) (hth (/ th 2)) (tip-lo-h (car (ly:grob-property grob 'edge-height))) (tip-hi-h (cdr (ly:grob-property grob 'edge-height))) (bfb (ly:enclosing-bracket::print grob)) (bfb-x (ly:stencil-extent bfb X)) (bfb-y (ly:stencil-extent bfb Y)) (stem-v (interval-widen bfb-y (- hth))) (stems-h (interval-widen bfb-x (- hth))) (single-bracket (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:translate (cons ((if (negative? dir-h) car cdr) stems-h) (cdr stem-v)) #:scale (cons (- dir-h) -1) #:combine #:draw-line (cons tip-hi-h 0) #:combine #:draw-line (cons 0 (interval-length stem-v)) #:translate (cons 0 (interval-length stem-v)) #:draw-line (cons tip-lo-h 0)))))) (single-bracket grob)))) bfbJustOpen = \once \override FiguredBass.BassFigureBracket #'stencil = #(half-bfb LEFT) bfbJustClose = \once \override FiguredBass.BassFigureBracket #'stencil = #(half-bfb RIGHT) << \new Voice { \clef bass \key g \minor g1 g4 a4 bes4 ees4 } \new FiguredBass \with { implicitBassFigures = #'(0) } { \figuremode { s1 \bfbJustOpen <[6 0]>4 \bfbJustClose <[6 5]> s2 } } >>
<<attachment: half-bfb.png>>
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