On 21/06/13 18:36, Thomas Morley wrote:
2013/6/21 Nick Payne <nick.pa...@internode.on.net>:
On 21/06/13 12:30, Marc Mouries wrote:

Hi Lilyponders,

I am typesetting a score with an ossia using the snippet:

In version 2.16, this snippet print a spanBar joining the ossia and the
main staff.
In 2.17, the following warning is printed in the logs:

warning: No span bar glyph defined for bar glyph ':'; ignoring.

I haven't seen described in the changes page and in the doc how to migrate

         \override SpanBar #'glyph-name = #":"

If you replace ":" with "!" you will get a nice set of dashes between the
ossia and main staff. I found this by trial and error a while ago when
following this snippet to create an ossia stave with 2.17.

No need for trial and error.

LSR currently runs 2.14.2

about version-statement.

Obviously, you should run convert-ly.

Nol convert-ly doesn't fix that problem...

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