On Jun 5, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Andrew Bernard wrote:
> Greetings,
> On 6/06/13 10:13 AM, Tim McNamara wrote:
>> Installing Frescobaldi remains one of the singularly frustrating interludes 
>> of my computing life.  I cannot figure out how anyone gets a damned thing 
>> done using Linux/BSD with all the asinine dependency issues, even with 
>> package managers.  Installing any piece of software is a voyage of the 
>> damned rather than a simple download and double-click to launch.
> Well, I can sympathise with your frustration, but that's not exactly 
> accurate. Proper Linux distros such as Debian have very sophisticated package 
> management via apt that handle all required dependencies and are at a high 
> stage of maturity. The issue here is that although Mac's are great - I am 
> typing on my dear macbookpro 17 inch, and although they are built on a 
> derivative of BSD UNIX, they lack the package management capabilities of most 
> Linux systems, as they are not conceived of by Apple as full UNIX systems for 
> end users.  I have not had any success getting frescobaldi to install using 
> the mac built-in version of python and so on. It appears the only way to make 
> this all work is to use the macports system, as mentioned earlier in this 
> thread. Apart from providing the right versions of the software you require, 
> it does indeed have a dependency system for pretty much all of the items.

Yes, I did not mention that I have installed everything I can for this via 
MacPorts.  Only Frescobaldi and python-poppler-qt4-0.16.3 are not installed 
that way because they are not available through MacPorts.  I have followed the 
incantations step by step.  Perhaps I need to sacrifice a goat or something.  
Trying to compile python-poppler-qt4-0.16.3 (and all previous versions I tried) 
fails.  As you can see from the messages the Mac tries to use the /Library 
version and not the /opt version of Python, because of course the compiler 
installed by Apple is going to look in /Library and not in /opt...

>> Despite installing Python, QT4, a bunch of dependencies that don't even make 
>> sense, and every other doggone item on the list of things to install and 
>> configure, Frescobaldi still cannot connect to Poppler so that I can 
>> conveniently see the rendered PDF file.  The crux of the matter finally 
>> seems to be the unholy alliance that is SIP:
>> [tim ~/Desktop/Downloads/python-poppler-qt4-0.16.3]$ python setup.py build
>> running build
>> running build_ext
>> building 'popplerqt4' extension
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/sip -I 
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share/sip -t 
>> POPPLER_V0_20_0 -c build/temp.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7 -b 
>> build/temp.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/poppler-qt4.sbf -I 
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share/sip/PyQt4 -x 
>> VendorID -t WS_MACX -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug -t Qt_4_8_0 -x Py_v3 -g 
>> poppler-qt4.sip
>> sip: Deprecation warning: poppler-qt4.sip:1: %Module version number should 
>> be specified using the 'version' argument
>> sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip"
>> error: command '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/sip' 
>> failed with exit status 1
> I mentioned earlier in this thread that my experience was that the 
> instructions are missing the installation of sip. I had to use macports to 
> install sip. I believe this needs to be added to the set of steps. After 
> installing py27-sip, you will be able to proceed I reckon.

Unfortunately not.   I had already installed this using MacPorts.  :-(

If I had the skills I would build a Mac installer package for Frescobaldi, but 
I dunno how.

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