Let's say the rule is as follows: anything that is a valid and
interesting blog post will be accepted.  So you just have to wrap the
information you want to give into a blogpost form.

For example, imagine that you want to announce Lily 2.17.1 release.
Instead of writing something like:

   We are proud to announce the release of GNU LilyPond 2.17.1.
   This release contains the following improvements:
    - bug 235234 was fixed,
    - feature foobar was added,
    - objects use skylines instead of boxes for calculating collisions.

whis is boring, write something like this:

   After several months of intense development, an important improvement
   is implemented in the newly released LilyPond 2.17.1: the program no
   longer treats objects as if they were rectangles, but uses skylines to
   approximate their shapes.  Thanks to this feature, things that used to
   like this:
   <ugly image>
   now look like this:
   <nice image>
   There are several other improvements in this version - you can see
   a full list here<link>.

FWIW, I'd go for the boring one.


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