I'm making interactive typesetting to provide material
to users of a music book.  First pass, I'm using mac pro
system and perl CGI and apache 2.2 server.  (I've programmed
in scheme in the past, but perl is likely the best - quickest -
tool for what I'm doing.)

1) I don't see a way to have the actual graphics (e.g. png) output to
   a pipe like STDOUT, instead of to a file, when invoking
   lilypond, on a unix command line.  Right?

2) I'm getting an error message to STDOUT (appears on my
   web page) related to permissions of webuser ... anyway,

*** Warning: GenericResourceDir doesn't point to a valid resource directory. 
the -sGenericResourceDir=... option can be used to set this.

    Advice on how to pass that through to ghostscript when compiling a
    score with lilypond?

3) Has anyone ever put lilypond into webserver memory, using "ModPerl"
   or similar, performance-enhancing, facility?

4) Are there any lilypond/perl programmers within the sound of my voice?
   I'm developing some typical perl-style parsing and transformation and
   system-calling perl code for lilypond.  I'd love to not reinvent this


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