
this cannot wait any longer: there has to be a LilyPond blog.
Unless someone has a better idea, i'm going to create a blog on
WordPress.com tomorrow morning.

- pick up the slack from The LilyPond Report,
- provide Lily users with interesting news concerning LilyPond, music
engraving etc.,
- provide Lily devs with insightful comments and analyses (similar to
- be LilyPond's voice in the publishing industry, e.g. discuss
LilyPond's merits as compared to other notation programs.

Everyone's invited!
As far as i see, i should be able to add as many collaborators on
wordpress.com as i want.  Is there anyone for whom creating an account
on wordpress.com would be a problem?  It is very important for me that
everyone, especially active developers, would be able to participate.

woohoo!  LilyPond ftw!

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