On 05/19/2013 01:46 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
Tom Cloyd <tomcloydm...@gmail.com> writes:

On 05/18/2013 09:17 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Tom Cloyd <tomcloydm...@gmail.com> writes:

[3] I have requested that the be high "b" display as a natural
harmonic, which it does. But the other voices are also display
harmonic noteheads, which makes no sense and is also simply wrong. I
don't see an error in my source. The " \once \override Staff.NoteHead
#'style = #'harmonic-mixed" should only affect the voice it's in.
Why then override Staff.NoteHead rather than Voice.NoteHead?
Thanks you, David.

To answer your question - because my ignorance of Lilypond is vast,
and I've been away from ly for a long time. It shows.
I'm afraid that isn't all.  After all, you explicitly specify "Staff"
rather than "Voice".  Why would you do that without realizing it?  And
the only answer that makes much sense is that the whole phrase is
carefully rehearsed gobbledygook without inherent meaning to you.  We
need a Ben Yehuda...  Though there _is_ some work being done regarding
simplifying the language.

You're right. Most of it IS nonsense to me. I have programmed computers for literally decades, but always as a sideline. I currently work in Ruby - every now and again. I'd love to dive into Lilypond's "internals", not to mention the base language (except that C stuff - ain't goin' there!), BUT, there simply isn't time.

In the case of the "Staff" versus "Voice", I was borrowing a snippet from a previous source code file of mine. The snippet did exactly what I wanted, so I was shocked to see that it doesn't work in my current context. (I now need to figure out why it worked with this earlier source file - perhaps due to its using an earlier version of ly?)

I finished first draft engraving of a 32 bar composition yesterday. I already had about 3 hours into it. I invested another 9, to get that draft, and I have yet to get fingerings into it. Part of the problem is that I've been away from ly for quite a while, part is that it's 3 part polyphony all the way through, with within-voice polyphony at a number of points, and a good part is that I've never been all that secure with ly. I have to look up a significant amount of stuff. Wouldn't be the case if I worked with it regularly, but I do have a life.

I have a template I've developed (and much of it is borrowed from Kulp), and ways of working that help me "get it done". It still is a major chunk of time. If the result wasn't so useful and rewarding, I'd not do this. Would just stay with hand written scores, which aren't that bad and are far far quicker to produce.

I've begun using Frescobaldi - the link between the PDF output and the source code is so totally useful that once I saw it (about a week ago), I was hooked. A great working environment, all in all. Still, it's all costly.

I'm grateful for your committed and enthusiastic work on ly, most of which I probably am unaware of. I wish I could give back to the wonderful community of users which have given me so much, but at the moment I have next to nothing to give. In the relatively near future, that may change. My first act would be to send you some support, because it would get magnified many times by your work.

Thanks for your comments and help and all-around intelligence. Very useful to all of us!



Tom Cloyd, MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
<< t...@tomcloyd.com >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
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