And now it's working.  I don't understand what made it start.


----- Original Message -----
To: "lilly pond discuss discuss" <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 8:41:19 PM
Subject: cygwin+lilypond

I posted my problem regarding not being able to run LilyPond from a CLI.  The 
problem was solved when I realized there was a typo in the PATH Environment 
variable.  It works now...mostly.  I can run Lily just fine in Windows from cmd 
but from a cygwin bash shell it's a different story.  I can execute 'lilypond 
-v' (or -h) and get a proper response but if I try to run a *.ly file almost 
nothing happens.  The console contents do advance one line as though LilyPond 
is starting but that's it.  Nothing else happens.  There is no other console 
output and no activity in the directory of the *.ly file in question.

Have I done something wrong or neglected to do something right?


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