Hi, I am willing to use Chromatic Staff Notation on lilypond, which it 
already supports.

About the specific notation I want to use:

How to make it (partially?) work:

The problem is:

In this notation, there are no sharps or flats, the chromatic scale is
do di re me mi fa fi so la se si (do),
So it makes sense if i could input notes with those names, and not fs/gf.

I can actually do it by editing language file

so i can create a "chromatic" language and set di to mean a c# like this: 
(di . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 SHARP))

---- So, where is the problem then??? ----

Problem comes when using the \relative mode. Lilypond's octaves in this mode 
is based in the diatonic scale, so it will place the next note in the 
closest position possible (a fourth up or down).

If my "fi" note is set as an f#, and i input { do fi } (6 semitones), it 
will be interpreted as an augmented fourth, so it will placed upwards.
Now, if "di" note is set as c# and i input { di so } (also 6 semitones), it 
will be interpreted as diminished fifth. Actually it will be engraved as an 
augmented fourth downwards.

This augmented forth/diminished fifth enharmony simply does not exist in 
chromatic notation. It is all "6 semitones". So it makes a problem for the 
engraver, because some of the "6 semitones" will randomly go up, some others 

I cant fix it because lilypond pitch classes seem to be based on numbers 
0123456, where 0 is any kind of C, up to 6 which is any kind of B.

Can someone help me?

---------Another minor issues-----------

The chromatic staff also does not uses clefs, key signatures, or 
accidentals. I can omit these using:

\remove "Accidental_engraver"
\remove "Key_engraver"
\remove "Clef_engraver"

but then i would like to place a BIG number in the place of the clef, 
representing the octave in scientific pitch notation, where middle C (middle 
octave) is 4, as seen in the MUTO Project site.

Another one is, how do I add dotted ledger lines?

I mean, when you add ledger lines into a new octave, the third line would be 
the same as the middle one, therefore it is dotted.
Also it would be nice that, when the dotted ledger line is required for a fi 
note, it extends through the whole bar, as it aids visualisation. In case 
you go way up to the next do, then you have both the dotted and a continuous 
line way up there, like a "two octave" staff.

I actually have the option of making a continuous double octave staff, but 
it wont be always used if you are playing a flute for exemple.
A flute has 3 octaves, starting on middle C, but often the flute parts dont 
go lower than the first octave G, or higher then the third octave G, so you 
dont need a 3 octave staff if you are basically using the middle one.

It also happens to violin, as the lowest note is a G, so you dont need a 
continuos "do" line down there if it wont be used anyway, just the dotted 
ledger line down.

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