I am writing a jazz solo and would like to have in addition to the main
staff a couple of lines with the chords listed with their notes displayed.

Right now I have this variable defined

chordslist = \chordmode {
  c1:7 cs1:7 d1:m7 d1:7 d1:aug7 d1:11 d1:13 ef1:13 e1:7 e1:aug7 f1:7 g1:7
g1:aug7 a1:m7 a1:7 a1:9 b1:m7 b1:7

and have the reference in a separate page:

\bookpart {
  \header {
    subtitle = "(Chords)"

    \new ChordNames {

    \new Staff {

But what I'd really like is to have that reference at the top of the page
with the solo, without bar numbers, without key, and then the solo would
follow starting on its own line, in its key, and with barnumber starting at
1 as default visibility settings.

This is going to fit in one page and would be more handy.

Does anybody know if that is possible?
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