Ok. I'm in 12/8 and i put that in the \global veritable and put the \blobal 
veritable in every part of this score that I'm working on for the moment where 
it should have gone, I think. How ever, something is still up as 'm counting 
where the bar checks are failing and I'm getting the right amount of eighth 
notes.  I also have some other errors but I'll take a look at those later. I 
hope I can get this project done by tomorrow.  I might need someone's help as 
I'm crunching for time and I have to have this handed in monday. I do have  a 
paper size question but I'll ask that later as the teacher  was very specific. 
"If I can't read it, you are not getting graded."

Anyway enough rambling from me. If I were not so pressed for time it would be 
better but ah well. The ly file is attached and hope the message will not be 
rejected. If it is I'll put  a link to the file on my dropbox.

Attachment: final score.ly
Description: Binary data

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