
Sorry - here it is.

RestText= {e2\rest}

OboePart= {
  \time 2/4

      \relative c'
        \repeat unfold 9 {\RestText }|
      \new CueVoice
      \relative c''
        r4 r8. a16 | c8. b16 c8 d | e4 e8. c16 | e8 r16 d d8 b | g4. g8 |
        c r16 c b8 a | g8. g16 g8 g | b4 a~ | a2|

Best regards,


Saturday, May 11, 2013, 10:42:49 AM, you wrote:

> 2013/5/11 Peter Toye <>:
>> I'm trying to position whole-bar rests onto the bottom line of the staff to
>> keep them out of the way of the cues, and can't get it to work.
>> I'm still a newbie, and have found out about the \rest command, but this
>> gives me two problems:
>> 1) it doesn't apply to whole bar rests, so the horizontal position of the
>> rest is at the beginning of the bar rather than in the middle.
>> 2) the vertical positioning seems wrong. If I use (in 2/4 time) e2\rest I
>> get a minim rest on the bottom line of the staff (as I'd expect, but don't
>> want). If I use e1*1/2\rest I get a full-bar rest on the 2nd line up, which
>> is the correct rest but one line too high. In all cases I get the error
>> message (which is probably allied to this):
>> c:/users/peter_2/appdata/local/temp/frescobaldi-owqqgx/tmpjehynm/
>> warning: cannot resolve rest collision: rest direction not set
>> RestText= {
>>            e2\rest}
>> Regards,
>> Peter

> Hi Peter,

> please post _every_ time a tiny example, including the used version.

> The warning likely depends on your code-set-up.

> Positioning of MultiMeasureRest can be modified with
> \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #-4

> HTH,
>   Harm
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