2013/5/1 <i...@soundand.com>

> Hello- don't know where to look in the manual for a single word made
>>> bold inside a set of words in a \markup
>>> I'm using 2:14 to finish up a major work that's taken 2 years so I
>>> would like to stick with it.
>>> If this is not possible in version 2:14 then I'll do without.
>> Uh,
>> \markup { With a \bold single bold word }
>> Where is the problem?
>> --
>> David Kastrup
>>  As usual I don't know how to phrase the question first time here's what
> I want;
> in the following I need to emphasize either larger or bolder the single
> word maps.
> David's suggestion does not work I suspect because it's already some form
> of bold.  So I need more info or a suggestion, and pointing to the manual
> so i know where to look next time is most educational.
> Here's the header
> \header {
>   title = "The Map"
>   subtitle = "What kind of map"
>   subsubtitle = \markup {\center-column { "Scene 5" "This scene introduces
> the maps projected behind P & D."" P's map is the D'Scudery map of love,
> D's is a map of Marseille."" Each map should have a sort of 'you are here'
> spot lit on them.""  This light should move as they move along their paths
> to themselves."}}
there are some examples here (quite easy to find):

I think that subsubtitle has already \bold by default? (I haven't checked)
If you want to make is stand out use \large or \huge, see below:

\version "2.17.17"

\header {
  title = "The Map"
  subtitle = "What kind of map"
  subsubtitle = \markup {
    \center-column {
      \line { Scene 5 }
      \line { This scene introduces the \bold \larger maps projected behind
P & D. }
      \line { P's map is the D'Scudery map of love, D's is a map of
Marseille. }
      \line { Each map should have a sort of 'you are here' spot lit on
them. }
      \line { This light should move as they move along their paths to
themselves. }

{ s1 }
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